Crop Farming

Cultivation of diverse crops for local consumption and commercial purposes.

Livestock Farming

Rearing of animals such as poultry, cattle, and goats.

Snail Farming

Rearing of Snail in large quantities.

We have several years of agriculture & eco farming experience

Providing The Finest Products To The Best Feed Suppliers.

The Peace and Love Young Farmers Association (PLYFA) is a legally registered, non-profit organization operating in Ghana.

Established as a Limited by Guarantee (LBG) under the Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act 2019 (Act 992), PLYFA serves as a networking body for individual and group farmers across Ghana.

More About Us

Our Mission

PLYFA is committed to promoting sustainable agriculture, empowering young farmers, and fostering environmental conservation through agroforestry and land restoration.

  • Agroforestry & Land Restoration

  • General Agricultural Services

  • Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

What Is Our Expertise?

We Providing The
Best Agricultural Services

Agroforestry & Land Restoration

Rebuilding degraded forest lands through
sustainable agricultural practices.

Livestock Farming

Rearing of animals such as poultry,
cattle, and goats.

Clean Chicken And Eggs

Fresh, healthy, and hygienically
produced for quality nutrition.

General Agricultural Services

Offering expertise and support
in all aspects of farming.